All the books tell you to get help when you bring baby home. What do you need help for? Everything.
You need help so you can get sleep. That is the number one reason to have a relative or close friend near by at all times. A new baby who is breast fed will want to eat every other hour or every three hours. That means from the time of the first feeding to the next it may be 2-3 hours. What you need to do in between is sleep. Of course you will need to also eat, go to the bathroom, wash your stitches and stay hydrated. If you can get your helper (and don't count on your husband because he needs sleep too) to hand you the baby when it's feeding time and then take the baby back after the feeding, life will be so much easier for everyone.
Breast milk gives your baby everything he/she needs. But you must have rest to make quality milk. Ideally your helper will bring you food in bed so you can nourish yourself without being fully awake. All you need to do is get that food chewed up enough to swallow it down and go back to sleep. If you can manage to drink liquids during feedings you accomplish two important tasks at once. And if you can nurse in the side-lying position you might get a feeding in without being fully awake too. Please, do everyone a favor and get some help. The less stress you feel the better the baby feeds and the better you will rest.
There is no need to dress the baby in cutesy little outfits and parade it around town. Everyone who cares about you will see your little angel in due time. Remember, the newborn needs you more than anything else in this world. He gets warmth, security, and nourishment all right at your breast. Enjoy this time.